1 hour / $125 USD
Birth Chart Reading
1/2 hour / $75 USD
You are the creator of your own life experience. My readings use the birth chart to help you accept all aspects of yourself, make peace with them, and realize what gifts you have so you can create more effectively in the direction of what you desire and embrace your authentic self. The most important relationship we have is with ourselves. The kingdom of heaven is within you and a house divided will not stand. My readings have helped people shed what the world-mind thinks they should be including what the Sun sign astrology has told them they should be. I can help an individual accept their seemingly contradictory aspects, that may have frustrated them, and transform that perspective to see the beauty that these parts actually are and how to use them in their daily life. It brings me great joy to hear someone’s voice relax or a smile spread across their face when they stop fighting within themselves and realize they are already the individual they always wanted to be. They were just fractured in their own way of seeing themselves. I can help clear the chatter so you can not only hear, but listen to your own guidance coming forth from within you.
Relationship Reading
1 hour / $100 USD
1/2 hour / $75 USD
In these readings I help couples communicate more effectively with each other by analyzing their Moon, Venus, and Mars placements. While the Sun is an important part of relationships, when it comes to intimacy and vulnerability, these placements hold the keys. I have helped many couples work out their own past hurts and projections onto their partners and turn them into ways to soothe and help heal each other instead of just react. We can explore these aspects and make decisions on how to work with them. For example, when to give someone space or when to console.